Simple Loans

Best Loans In Canada


In the XXI century, in order to make a large purchase, you may have to spend some time saving money. New furniture set, vacations, and the apartment can require you several wages.

If you do not have much to wait or there is an emergency going on, you might visit a local bank and apply for a personal loan.

Yes, banks are known for credibility, however, they are also known for long processing times.


Fast Simple Loans From Loan Away


Loan Away Company is proud to serve many Canadians in various locations: Ontario (Toronto, Brampton, North York, Vaughn, London, Barrie etc.), British Columbia (Nanaimo, Vancouver, Burnaby, Mission, etc.), Newfoundland (St. John's, Bonavista, Placentia, etc.), Alberta (Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer, Stony Plain, etc.)

New places that are coming soon: Quebec (Montreal, Westmount, Kirkland, etc.), New Brunswick (Oromocto, Sackville, Dieppe, Riverview, etc.), Saskatchewan (Regina, Saskatoon, Winkler, Neepawa, etc.), Nova Scotia (Halifax, New Glasgow, etc.)


Bads Credit Loans Guaranteed Approval


Our loans' services include many borrowing options. We offer affordable rates, easy terms, and flexible payment schedules:


Unfortunately, we do not offer these online services: auto loans, apple loans, car loans, student loans, and motorcycle loans.  


Simple Loans. Simple Terms 


Applying for a loan online with Loan Away, you can get the desired money without leaving your house or even getting up from your favorite sofa. Now, you do not need to go to the bank, stand in lines, and fill out paper applications. 

Select the amount you wish to apply for, fill out our short online form, and click submit. Our well-trained online agents will review your application in real time and get back to you within 20 minutes.